Hello. We are honored to be part of your life and health care. Lets look at some common questions that are asked by patients.
Do I need to pay a co-pay with telehealth appointments? The answer is Yes. A telehealth appointement is exactly like an office appointment and a co-pay is required for both.
What happens if I do not pay my bill? Unfortunately, if a patient does not pay their bill they will be sent to collections and discharged from the practice. No medications will be refilled for discharged patients.
What happens if I No-Show to my appointment? If you no-show for your appointment you will be charged a fee of $40.00 and will not be allowed to reschedule until that fee has been paid. Also, if you no-show 2 appointments in one calendar year you will be discharged. Try and understand that each appointment slot is very valuble and you could potentially keep a patient that is truly in need from being seen that day.
If I need an antibiotic but cannot make it to the office can I make a telehealth appointment for this? Yes! We offer acute virtual telehealth visits when possible. Understand that WFM is a very busy practice and most days are booked up weeks in advance. We do try very hard to get you seen as soon as possible.
Does WFM have a patient portal? Yes! We have an excellant patient portal that you can access at any time. Please open the link below.