Welcome to Wood Family Medicine.
Dr Mathew Wood (Osteopathic Physician) and Nurse Practitioner Ashley Smith possess years of experience managing patients with a multitude of medical issues.
Dr Wood and NP Ashley Smith manage a wide range of acute and chronic medical issues including diabetes, hypertension, joint pain, depression, high cholesterol, weight loss, medical cannabis, ADHD and testosterone replacement therapy. This is a brief list of what we can do for you!
If you are interested in being a patient, please familiarize yourself with this site.
Testosterone Replacement "Low T"
Are you a male suffering from low sex drive, low energy, weight gain, and depression? If so, you could be suffering from low testosterone levels. This process can start for some in their late twenties. As a man ages, his testosterone levels will drop. Testosterone is vital for a male to feel good, strong, and focused. If you suspect, that you might have "Low T" make an appointment and get screened.
If you are a woman that is suffering from hot-flashes, weight gain, hair loss, depression/anxiety, you might have a problem with balancing your hormone levels. Just like men with "Low T" women can develop conditions caused by these abnormal hormone levels. If you are suspicious that your hormones are out of balance, please make an appointment.